New Release

Growing in God
Daily Guide

Do you desire to grow a consistent walk with God? Use this short guide to get started

The book explains few important steps in growing your relationship with God and it also includes 52 scriptural guide for a year.

A Word From The Author

I help men and women host the presence of God in their marriage through intimacy with God and engaging the power of God for breakthrough in their marriages.

Nike Folagbade
Entrepreneur, Writer and Speaker.

Edifying Content

What you will learn

How to get started

No matter where you are now in your journey, you will find out what to start doing.

52 weeks bible study plan

You can begin studying with our 52 weeks scriptural plan for a year

Strategies for studying

Learn some easy steps for studying the bible and praying effectively.

What Readers Are Saying

“As I opened the book, I didn’t stop until I finished. A gripping power magnetized me to it and every word of the book was being dissected to me by the Holy spirit.”

Good morning Coach Nike. I would like to share a testimony about your book “Growing in God”. Remember I told you about waking up not remembering my dreams. Apart from this, I have been struggling with being consistent in my personal fellowship with God. I have been praying and crying to God to help me. Before you posted your book, I have been researching practical ways to consistently fellowship with God. After you shared your book on the WBN, I was still ignorantly asking God to teach me to draw closer to Him, and then, God told me He had already granted my request ; He further directed me to go ahead and read your book. As I opened the book, I didn’t stop until I finished. A gripping power magnetized me to it and every word of the book was being dissected to me by the Holy spirit. You indeed, wrote the book to meet my spiritual needs. Your book is very practical and it gives me hope that I can also be a witness to the kind of relationship God had with Abraham, David, and other Christians all over the world. Just following the guidelines in your book gave me victory in my dream pattern last night, I did not only remember my dreams, I had victorious ones too. Just one night o! You are a true minister of God and I am glad God brought you into my life. I am not letting go of you o!😅 God bless you Coach Nike🙏🙏.


Member, WBN

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Delmar Byers

Review on Book 1

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Shanna Margolis

Review on Book 1

Books by Nike

Enduring or Enjoying your marriage?

Get the Ring

Making your marriage work with a difficult partner

Download your copy now

The book explains few important steps in growing your relationship with God, it also includes 52 scriptural guide for a year.