The Bible says that a wise woman build up her home while a foolish woman use her hands to drag it down. The reasons are:
1. To share the same faith: A godly home will stand strong than a home that lacks God. You need to train up your children according to the way of the lord and when the parents don’t even believe in God,how will they know his laws. Couples are to pray together and study the word too so as to become better in life. In every decision you take in life or marriage,always put God first.
2. To intercede for you in times of problems: At one stage in life,issues always come up in marriage whether from the man or the woman side. It could be spiritual,financial, family or job issues. Its prayers that will help. When you marry an unbeliever, no opportunity for God to come in and they may even visit herbalists for solutions which will only double the problem. A praying wife is a good wife. Men may not be too good at praying sometimes,that is where the woman comes up with prayers to assist the husband.
3. To make heaven: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his only soul.” Why should you get married to a person that will drag you to hell. Its better you get married to someone that will assist you in making heaven too. You need to help yourself so that you won’t drag yourself down to doom.