|| Now We Need You ||
www.nikkyslovecorner.wordpress.com (our former blog) came 4th in the Nigerian Blog Awards nomination last year due to your help but now we can get better.
Please nominate our new blog www.relationshipcapsules.com as the \”BEST NEW BLOG\” and \”BEST RELATIONSHIP BLOG\” in the on going NIGERIA BLOG AWARDS
Please Follow This Simple Steps 🙂
1: Click this link: http://nigerianblogawards.com/nominate2014.php
2: Put your name, email, and choose to be a panelist or not.
3: Go to \”Best New Blog\” [No. 15] and \” Best Relationship Blog \” [No. 21]
4: TYPE: relationshipcapsules.com without www or http
5: Submit
6: Check your email and, click link to confirm your vote. [Very Important]
Thank you so much. We appreciate.
Please do share.