Nike Folagbade
My major preoccupation is centered around seeing people thrive in their lives and this revolves around personal transformation, emotional wholeness, dating and marriages.

I grew up with a strong sense of passion and interest in relationships, transformation and marriage-oriented work. I function as a multi-dimensional woman expressing one gift in many ways, such as ministry, marriage cum relationship coaching, career and business.
Beyond profit, I enjoy encouraging, nurturing and leading people to live lives that please God and show alignment to His plan for them per time.
In 2013, my burden to transform my world birthed an online platform where I teach people how to maximize their singleness, develop healthy relationships and overcome sexual addictions.
This snowballed into meeting and working with people from different tribes and races. By the time I got married in 2016, I discovered that I had built a strong work ethic around coaching singles and youth generally, and dodged working with married couples.
A clear reason was because marital issues are complex and during my single years, I found it difficult to understand why people experience so many difficulties in their marriages.
After I got married and got trained professionally to handle married people, I was still not interested. I didn’t realize that I was running away from my main calling. Little did I know that the fear and distress I nursed about marriages were the solutions God was preparing me to tackle.
I started to experience all shades of difficulties in my marriage without understanding why my coaching techniques could not solve some of them. I didn’t know that God was setting me up to deal with dark and knotty issues in marriages. After a while, I started to experience transition pangs, as God began to drill me into the causes and solution to marital problems —beyond psychological interventions. I started to understand how to combine spiritual and psychological intervention in helping people thrive in their lives.
This catapulted me into more progressive work with couples and the eventual launching of Life in the Ark Global Ministry (LIFA).
The transformations I have seen in marriages are worthy proofs of all that I have learnt and still learning about the institution of marriage.
You may have found yourself struggling in your relationships or marriages due to ignorance, contorted personalities, values and belief clashes, different upbringing and modelling, spiritual manipulation, foundational patterns, lack of connection and so much more. If you choose to work with me, you will get to experience more than an instant fix, because I take my time to uncover issues from their roots. I provide practical solutions that will lead to a lasting change in your marriage.
One of the perks of working with me is my prophetic edge. It helps me discern the mind and wisdom of God concerning the raging issues in your life.

Min Nike is a rare gem in the Marriage ministry. Before I met her, I had been searching both online and physically for godly and practical answers to nagging issues I was dealing with in my life. It was either I wasn’t satisfied with the responses I got or got no response at all. Ever since I met her and joined her program, which was divinely orchestrated, not only have my identity, spiritual life and my mindset towards my marriage been transformed, but l have also enjoyed the peace of God in my heart like a river, which I have always thought was a fiction. She has equipped me with practical godly approaches, to taking charge of my mind, marriage and situations around me, which seek to rob me of God’s purpose and victory for my life. I have never encountered someone as passionate and humble as her, who pours her soul out to people, to see to it that the presence of God is hosted in their lives and marriages, thereby casting down the stronghold of darkness which has besieged most marriages
I started following Nike Folagbade a few years ago because I fell in love with her content for singles and unmarried; I used to forward her posts to my unmarried mentees. Along the line, l noticed she also ventured into issues on marriage and l must tell you that she is doing a fantastic job at mending homes. Her sessions are always lit and she has a passion that is beyond the ordinary. She currently runs a 12-week Warrior Brides Network program which has been a rewarding time for everyone signed on it. I can say there are recurring testimonials from the participants. Her messages are eye-opening; they help to refocus on the need for true intimacy with God, by hosting His Presence in our lives
Coach Nike has truly been a blessing in my life. I first came across her during her Unaddicted program last year and through that program, my life has never been the same. I have been privileged to be under her mentorship through her single and married discipleship programs and they are nothing short of awe and transformational. Coach Nike is very passionate about kingdom marriages because marriage is the first institution God created; it is the foundation of any society. From marriage comes families, and then communities, which lead to cities and nations. This means that marriages must be done right and in God’s way before we can see transformation in our nations. This is Coach Nike’s mission — led by God
I’ve known Coach Nike since 2017 when she was still into relationship coaching. Her courses have helped me through several difficult times from my relationship, to work and my lifestyle. Funnily enough, despite our religious differences, she has helped me with my relationship with God. I knew her when I was just a single lady trying to navigate through life and my relationship. After I got married, her lessons have been handy in helping me navigate so many challenges as a newlywed. My marriage is just a year and a few months; and I can honestly say that having her in my corner as a coach, a teacher and a sister has been impactful. I’m glad our paths crossed.

Professional Bio
Nike Folagbade is a Family Life Coach and Counsellor. She teaches and empowers both single and married people with godly and practical strategies — on how to build a blossoming kingdom relationship and marriage via NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL.
She’s a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Results Coach; an Associate of Family Systems Engineering, a Certified Emotional Intelligence and Anger management coach. Equally, she’s a SYMBIS facilitator, who helps engaged and married couples prepare for the ‘before and after’ of their marriages.
Nike has written over seven books including ‘Get the Ring’, ‘Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages’, and ‘THRIVE’ (a prayer confession and devotional, for manifesting a transformed marriage).
Her signature course, Warrior Brides Network, has created a movement of single and married women (in over 10 countries) who are happily hosting God’s presence in their homes — while elevating their identities, discovering purpose, and building their marriages with godly wisdom. You can check this out at
Nike currently writes for Business Day and Women’s Hub. She was a relationship contributor on Bella Naija, Women of Rubies and She leads Africa. Nike was listed among the 2019 Edition of the 100 Most Inspiring Young People in Nigeria. You can check out her website
She is the founder of the Love and Life Hub platform that equips singles with the right knowledge on love, dating, and purpose via
Furthermore, through her ‘Unaddicted Center,’ she helps men and women recover from sexual addictions, using a holistic approach of the ‘Body-Soul-Spirit dimension,’ to help them attain their freedom via the wisdom, healing, and deliverance power of God.
She is the President of ‘The Life in the Ark Global Ministry (LIFA)’ which was divinely birthed to empower people to host God’s presence in their marriages and raise children as battle axes in the hands of God.
LIFA focuses on intimacy with God, emotional healing, victory, deliverance, and restoration in Christ. It is renowned for its early morning prayers, organized for families weekly. Likewise, LIFA holds a spiritual discipleship class once every week, which is separate from conferences, spiritual meetings, and healing programs she organizes — as led by the Holy Spirit. You can join us via
At Hevar Solutions, she helps coaches, counsellors, and personal brands: to launch, influence, and profit from their brands. She does this by nurturing their desire to impact their sphere using: social media techniques, personal brand mastery, and online course creation, amongst other techniques.
She is also the Human Resources Manager at WORITAL, a book branding, and publishing firm.
Nike is married to a creative genius, Fola, who is building the next Amazon of Africa through a prominent publishing firm, WORITAL. To top it all, they have an amazing son.
Here are Some Areas of My Specialization

Personal Transformation

Marriage Counseling

Love, Dating and Relationships

Emotional Mastery

Healing from Sexual Addictions

Spiritual Transformation

Building a Personal Brand or Launching into Coaching
My Expressions

Marriage Counselling
With a divine mandate to help couples deal with difficult marriages, I can show you the wisdom and revelation you need to navigate through any difficult season in your marriage. From professional skills to prophetic insights and a nurturing personality to guide you through, you are sure of a seamless ride — while engaging my knowledge and resources. I work with individuals and couples.

Relationship Coaching
The waiting period for single adults in preparation for marriage is usually characterized by anxiety and desperation. It turns out to be a long and unpredictable journey for many. As such, you need to be appropriately guided on how to successfully navigate the pressure that comes with this crucial stage. Your marital choice is important to settling in bliss. I work with singles to help them experience emotional healing, purpose discovery, relationship guidance, and premarital counseling

Minister & Discipler
I also run a ministry where God releases His power for healing, victory, divine wisdom, deliverance, and restoration through the Word of God. I teach God’s counsel and principles in the family space and bring people back to Christ. I do this via LIFA. I also work with women through my signature faith-based program via WARRIOR BRIDES NETWORK, to help them elevate their identities, heal emotionally and transform their marriages.

Consultant to Coaches & Counselors
I guide coaches and counsellors into launching their brands, building influence, and making profits through monetizing their knowledge. I do these via my business brand. Check out HEVAR GLOBAL here.

Human Resources Manager
I also partner with my husband in his organization, WORITAL. Our goal is to build the next Amazon of Africa. We are changing the narrative of publishing through diligence, excellence, and creativity. Read more about WORITAL