Father, as we start this conference, let your words flow through our vein. Let there be impartation. And may your name alone be praised. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
We pray that we wont just entertain people but deliver what will help everyone of us.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
At the end may your name alone be glorified. In Jesus name we pray.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Am Folayemi Itunu, sharing on this handle together with my co host #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Without any doubt, sex has become the identity of our generation. Everything is speaking sex, whether you like it or not. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
It shows in the way we dress, act, talk. even the ads, cartoons, music , everything. #SexStraightTalk
Sex is nothing to be ashamed of, know the difference between the USE and the ABUSE of it. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
An average person today is never taught the truth about sex at home. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Few of us that our parents told, told us wrongly. They told us authoritatively based on the Do\’s and Don’t. #SexStraightTalk#SinglesDate
It has being discovered that sex education is supposed to start right from home because charity begins at home. #SexStraightTalk#SinglesDate
Don’t fornicate, don’t go to bed with someone that has not married you, everything is Don\’t, no one tells you what to do when temptation comes.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
As we grow, we keep seeing tools of temptation around us. How do we cope?#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
It’s been discovered that no matter how good and morally sound any Hollywood film is, at least there will be one minute of romance or sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Abuse of sex that is manifested in pervasions promiscuity and pornography has become the identity of our generation #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
If there is anything you need to know now, its sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Not understanding sex is a serious mistake. A lot of people shy away from it and they do it. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Don\’t be deceived, Love is not sex and sex is not love.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Sex can never keep your relationship alive. If it could, why are couples divorcing? #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
People go into sexual experimentation early enough and then graduate to the level of addiction and it ruining their life. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Don\’t let your ERECTION determine your DIRECTION in life. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Sexual mistake and sexual sin is a trap and it\’s one of the mistakes the enemy uses against anyone. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Some situations are just trying times for you, don\’t be quick to loose your vision for sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Sexual trap is a test, SAMSON failed the test while JOSEPH won the test. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Delilah could bring down the strength of Samson using her seductive tools, do you want to become A SOLDOUT TOO. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
SUBMISSION OF THE BODY is recognized wholly for the singles. You should not go spreading your legs to a man who is not legally yours. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Its your choice if you sell your body to keep your family alive , to pass a course or become a big girl. Better means await you. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
1.Sex is of God. He designed it. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
He orchestrated it so therefore when not abused, its Godly. In fact you can never enjoy sex until you do it Gods way.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
You should be burning for God and depending on him rather than sparking up your sex life. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Marriage is the basis for Sex, not for SINGLES UNHOOKED.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
So many youths feel its not easy to abstain, thats because you are relying on your power.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Premarital Sex can cause so many things. Why exchange minutes of pleasures to a lifetime stigma.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
There is anointed sex, sex that God is involved, it’s going to be assorted. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Assorted sex, that you are there with your wife ,angels are clapping, God is energizing you with styles in God’s power.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Sex is beautiful, holy and Godly when practiced in marriage 1cor 7: 1 #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
After marriage you have the divine backing to have assorted sex so therefore, no one is allowed to practice sex without license. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Marriage certificate is the license for sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Don\’t keep your body to satisfy God, your parents or pastors. Do it because you understand God\’s commandment and your worth. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Anyone who can’t present the license to you must never practice it with you. No general license NOTE. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
2. Sex is not about performance, its meant to seal a relationship. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
It’s not about the act; you are to commit to love before you commit to have sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Don’t let someone tell you \”If you love me you will have it with me\”,tell him, \”if you love me, you will wait\”. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Divinity demand, respect demand, Agape the love of God demand, if truly you love this person, you will wait. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
You don\’t need to test your partner before marriage to be sure of your compatibility, you are not testing an OBJECT.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
3. The abuse of sex is a sin. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
As a single, have it at the back of your mind that anytime you DO IT,you break God\’s heart. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Abortion, sexually transmitted diseases ,unwanted pregnancies , shame, heartbreaks cannot be compared to Abstinence. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
It leads to generational curses apart from sexually transmitted diseases #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
We need to rise up for we are the light of the world, salt of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
We’re the moral standard for our generation, that’s why we are the examples they are to follow. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
That everyone is doing the wrong thing doesn’t make it right. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Are you licensed? He must pay your dowry,take you to the altar before you can now have assorted and anointed sex. Prov 5: 15. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
4.Sex is between two lovers who are committed to love before they are committed to sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
5. Sexual battles are won and lost in the mind. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Sex is not about the size of any organ, its about two people in love so therefore there is no need for any organ enlargement, its does not come in place. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
The bigger sex organ is the mind, that is where real sex is, its not in the organ, when you have sexual issue you have mind issues.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
If you can change your mind you can change anything *as a man thinketh so is he*#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Do not conform to the things of this world but be transformed by the renewal of your heart Romans12:2 #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Wherever your mind goes, there you go.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
If you are lusting, pervasions about something and you are destroying your soul, principally it’s a mind problem Rom 12:2. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
If you engage in sex the way your mind is not enhanced, sex will destroy your mind. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Satan knows that sex is a strong emotion and that’s why he uses it against people with vision. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Now passing the Barton to my co host Adenike Adedokun #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate My partner already started with \” FOUNDAMENTAL TRUTH ABOUT SEX \” am going to continue from where he stopped. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Am Adenike Adedokun #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Have you noticed that it is what can easily kill us that we get addicted to?. The devil makes us FALL IN LOVE with a LIE. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
He keeps making it looks so real and interesting but there are green snakes under the green grass. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
No matter where you are you can still open a new chapter. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
It’s the application of the truth that’s important not when you get to know it #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Anyone the enemy has come to destroy your destiny by manifestation of pervasions promiscuity and pornography; I decree freedom in the Jesus name. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Pornography will pervert your soul. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Abuse of anything will destroy your soul. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
6. Masturbation is sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
What normally leads to masturbation is either an image, a picture or a thought and that’s the sin. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
The object that leads to it is the sin, what led to it? what provoked it? #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
There is a way someone will be far from you and just with a thought you will undress the person & practically have sex with the person. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
To eliminate masturbation, deal with the object. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
7. Romance is sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
We deceive ourselves with this, we only kiss and romance, no sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
The bible says with just the thought of sex with someone, its assumed that you’ve had sex with the person. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
An HUSBAND has full right over his WIFE\’s BODY. A Boyfriend doesn\’t have right over his girlfriend body.#SexStraightTalk
8. Sexual sin will weaken your spiritual life. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Sexual abuse corrupts your soul, weakens your sense, you can’t be having sex and have sense. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Look at Samson, your prayer will go down, your world will go down, you will practically destroy your relationship with God.#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
9. Sexual sin will hurt you mentally, your creativity, your productivity. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
The Same mind you should use to originate and create ideas, you will be using to plan out sex. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
10. Premarital sex affects your emotion #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Emotional confusion, people are emotionally confused, looking for love where it is not. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Love is responsibility, for anyone to say I love you the person is saying I accept responsibility for you. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Being emotionally confused means you are not whole yourself, you cant be having fornication and be emotionally sound. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
That someone tells you he/she loves you doesn’t mean you are to lose your emotion easily, love is balance. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
He tells you ‘you are the cockroach in my cupboard’ he might end up using insecticide to kill you. WAKE UP. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
How can he use HONDA ACCORD to get you UNDER. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Tell him, if you love me enough, take me to the altar and get the license. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
The next time someone ask you for sex ask Him ‘MAY I SEE THE LICENSE?’ with your name on it. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
11. Premarital sex destroys you physically e.g. teenage pregnancy diseases/ abortion, crime, immorally, negative behavior. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone they have slept with. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Give yourself to someone sexually and you’ve given a part of you that can’t not be regained back. It’s the misery of soul ties. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
When you keep hooking up with different partners for Sex, you keep having different Soul Ties. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
For he that is joined to an harlot is one with that harlot. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Its better to hurt somebody than to hurt your destiny, you need to rise up and accept responsibilities over your sexual life. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
There is nothing like\” if you love me you will have sex with me\”. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Have it at the back of your mind that anytime you DO IT,you break God\’s heart. #SexStraightTalk WINNING SEXUAL BATTLE
#SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
1.Identify the problem #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
2.Confess it 1John 1 v 19 #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.1john 1 v 19 #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
3.Forgive yourself and every other person involved. Corinthians 5:17-18. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
So many youths are struggling in sin, admit your mistake, ask for forgiveness and get ready to be better for God. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
It’s a mistake not to forgive a mistake ,your ministry will come from your mystery. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Joyce Meyer Father disflowered her at the age of 7 and between age 7 to 14, her father had sex with her for more than 50times but today her entire ministry is based on that mystery. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
Today, Joyce has a house bought for her father close to her house. She understands how important it’s to forgive. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate
4. Trust in God phil 1:19. #SexStraightTalk #SinglesDate Thanks for reading. You can still drop your contributions.
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