Get the Ring is for every single man and woman who wants to understand what it takes to become the right partner, attract the right partner and build a healthy relationship that can lead to marriage

The step by step guide that I used to move from a confused heartbroken single lady to an attractive and purposeful woman who finally got the ring without stress.
The full guide to turn your life around and build the relationship of your choice.
- Find out the foundation of all the patterns that have surfaced in your relationships.
- Understand the power of self-discovery and how you can use it to get whatever you want.
- Learn how to ask the right questions and move the ladder from being single to dating and spotting the right partner.
- Discover the best ways to stay attractive and become valuable.
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In an engaging manner, Nike chronicles her sweet and bitter experiences in the winding maze of love, heartbreak, broken promises and fulfilled expectations. Like a pro, she led me through her experiences, helping me discover myself in her frustrations, tears, joys, friendships and decisions. Without trying too hard, she showed me how my thought patterns, background and environmental influences had shaped my actions and produced my current results.
And like a train weaving through a dark tunnel, her stories led me out to the burst of light on the other side screaming, “Yes! True love exists and getting the ring is not as difficult as I had thought.”
Get the Ring is for every young adult who is either yet to go into a love relationship, just beginning one, mourning the loss of one or about to get out of one. It is a recommended manual for everyone who desires to have happy and fulfilling relationships with members of the opposite sex within and outside the perimeters of love, dating and marriage. It is a balm for hurting souls, an eye-opener for true seekers, a guide for the confused and a light for those in the dark. At whatever stage of life, you are in, this is one book you need to read, especially if you want to avoid (or teach others to avoid) relationship pitfalls. Get your copy today.


In This Book, You Will Learn:
- What you should be doing after a break up before a new partner comes.
- How un-forgiveness can stop you from attracting your ideal partner.
- How to move from not being needed to being attractive and valuable.
- 5 foundations you must set right before starting a relationship.
- 4 ways to build your personal brand in and before a relationship.
- 3 mistakes men make with ladies and how to correct it.
- How your attitude can alter your chance for a successful relationship.
- Smarter ways to build friendships that can lead to a healthy relationship.
- How to stop accepting the wrong persons in a relationship.
- 7 ways to become attractive and irresistible.
- Why and when to start an ideal relationship.
- Top mistakes singles make in relationships.
- How to gain clarity in a relationship.
- How to choose the right partner.
- How to heal, love and trust again.
- How to identify red flags in a relationship.

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Who Can Read This Book
A woman or (man) who:
- Wants to experience a better relationship.
- Heal from past relationships and heartbreaks.
- Learn the right way of building a healthy relationship from the scratch.
- Find out the 7 attraction secrets and how to stop making repeated mistakes.
- Wants to learn the right approach to relationship, become responsible and finally make it work.
- Want to learn how to easily identify the right one.
- Want to learn how to ask the right questions and avoid time wasters.

Customer Reviews
I have read lots of books this year at least 30 to be exact, but "Get the ring” stood out of them all for me.The lessons learned there are so poignant and highly instructive. God bless Nike Folagbade for yet another blockbuster. The book is simply phenomenal
Babatunde Akinola
The book “GET THE RING” is really one of the best out of the few books that I have read and loved and out of the many I have read so far. The book really presented a picture of what is happening in my relationship life presently. I so much love the realities in the book and much more the practical life story aspect. God bless you so much sis! I recommend the book to ladies out there,it’s really a must read!
Ayoola Ajayi
Reading the book “Get the ring” by Nike Folagbade has been an eye opener to me. Many truths about the mistakes I made in my previous relationship were unveiled. I saw myself in her story as the patterns were very similar. I did not take time to process some things neither did I ask certain relevant questions. I felt love; friendship would cover up many lapses but things soon went tipsy turbsy. My friends who had always placed me on a high pedestal were disappointed but now I know that am infallible. I have decided to work at re-positioning myself and with time I will heal completely. This book has been a blessing to me.
Here is what you will get after purchasing this book. Total value is N10,000 but you are getting it for N6,000
- Two books with free doorstep delivery to anywhere in Nigeria.
- Two bonus each for both genders, 2 audio tracks valued at N2,500 each for ladies and an audio track and an e-book valued at N3,000 each for men. Ladies will get: Wrong man? Right man? How to spot the difference and Now that you are dating: Riding through the storms while men will get the ebook How to get into her heart and the audio track titled Now that you are dating: Riding through the storms. Check them out below.
- After payment, you will be redirected to the download page to get them automatically.
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