Bola and Feyi have been in a relationship for 2years but have issues with their families. Feyi has been warned not to bring a woman from Ogun state. Bola was a woman he couldn\’t resist from the onset. He tried so hard to ignore her but they kept connectig somehow.
As time goes on, they had to continue to fight for their stand. It wasnt easy but they kept standing for each other.
Mayowa had to contend with his families and friends over his fiancee, Moyinsola. She was slightly crippled but had big dreams. She had dreams he wanted to pursue for her. It was difficult for them to accept her. Mayowa loved her inspite of that and was ready to stand by her.
So many people have gone the extreme for their loved ones. Thay have had time to stand strong for each other.
Love itself is sacrifice and so many people have had to sacrifice so much for their partners. What have you done for love?.
Bidemi was in a long relationship with Temi. They saw each other once in a while. He had to travel down to Ghana to see her vice versa. They didnt see it as a burden but as a normal thing they needed for each other.
What have you done that can be remembered for? Are you complaining of so much.? Love is meant for a giving heart. You need to give and expect nothing. You need to give your time, money, passion selflessly.
Go out there and do something for love today.