Letting Go Of An Abusive Relationship

So many people have found themselves in relationships that have affected their health indirectly and their lives adversely.

An abusive relationship doesn\’t really mean a violent one. Abusive isn\’t limited to a type. It spreads across the physical, psychological and sexual form of abuse.

So many people at some point have undergo various forms of feedback from their partners.

While in my previous relationship, I suffered from verbal and emotional abuse. He constantly said words that weighed me down, words that dispute worthlessness on my part. This kept wrecking me emotionally, I couldn\’t even do anything about it so my suffering continued.

I had a friend who constantly went through sexual and physical abuse from her partner. He was always trying to have sex forcefully or beat her up for any slight offence.

Some ladies are also good at raining curses and harmful words on their partner thereby hitting their ego. Men don\’t like it when a woman puts him down but even when it happens, he always want a way out. If he seems to be in love, he keeps feeling hurt.

I had reasons for not coming out of the relationship even when I saw the signs and I know that this same reason is responsible for over 80percent of people still holding on to their abusive relationships.

I always felt he was too good for me and I could never meet someone better. I constantly motivated myself towards endurance. That was my excuse and my greatest disaster.

Why do you think you are still in that abusive relationship?

You are constantly being put down by words and actions but you remain there because of fear of the unknown.

You have taken the pains enough. Don\’t blame yourself for such encounter.

Forgive your self for that. Accept the situation and get ready to move on. Never let anyone handle the key to your happiness.

Never remain in an abusive relationship because of the gifts and money you receive. Don\’t be enslaven by sex.

Most people are bound by soul ties. They are so attached to the person that they endure the pains and shame.

Some people are scared of what their parents or friends might think. A lot of things keeps keeping us stuck.

You don\’t have to remain in pains. It is better to be single and happy than to be engaged in bondage.

It\’s in your hands to take a decision. Look inwards, do you think you deserve less? Even if I manage to make my ex marry me, I would have regretted every action. I wouldbbe ripped off my joy. Am so happy it ended. Now I can look back and smile. My life is more beautiful and inspiring to people around because I turned my gains to pain, my scars to stars and my mess into a message. Don\’t leave the key to your happiness in someone else\’s pocket.

You can do the same too. Take a step today.

Choose to live healthy and stay purified.