Lets look into the bible to see what a wife should be: Genesis 2:18, \”And the lord said, It is not good for a man to be alone, I will make an help meet for him\”.
Helpmeet is a word that comprises a lot for a woman. You are not meant to design a man\’s home but to be an helper.
A helpmeet means a helpful partner. This means you should be a partner and a helper to your spouse.

This world is jampacked with materialistic and women that lacks vision so its difficult to pick just anyone. People say \”there are many fishes In the river\” but the truth is that when you go fishing and cast your net into the river, you bring out a big net containing fishes from the river. You would see different species mixed with dirts from the river. It would contain different kinds of fishes from the range of croacker, tilapia, sea fish etc. Some are unique and are usually specially packaged with an high price while some are returned back because of their unuseful nature. Most are sold in the everyday market while some are meant for the high class.
Men, do you want to pick any fish or the special ones? Am sure its the special ones. So ladies out there, you need to find your ground. What would you be good for?
If you are getting married soon, start finding ways to be of help to your future husband. What if you get married to a ministry man? He would need your prayers and support.
Women have a lot of work to do for their husbands. The bible made reference of virtuous women and the ones that fears God. How honourable it is to find them. He needs to hear encouraging words to put him through. He needs to feel your care. Your tender touch is necessary too. Your ideas are irreplaceable. He needs it whether followed or not, he would appreciate it.

Work on yourself. Improve yourself. You would need it.
So now am sure you would want to find good ways to be a good wife to your future husband. A little practice should start now. Prepare for marriage now not in marriage. Start preparing now that you are still a single lady.
So what if you are married? You can still work out ways to help. Be a good listener. Be of support.
Take that step. One step at a time and you would get there.