Courtship period is very important. It is a period when intending couples get to know each other in preparation for a colorful wedding and glorious marriage. And it is a period when intending couples must be very careful because many people have fallen into the error of pre-marital sex during this period.
1. Salvation and baptism of the Holy Spirit experience
2. Christian faith/beliefs
3. Past relationships
4. Life history
5. Family commitment/indebtedness
6. Hobbies and sporting interests
7. Church to attend. (Amos 3:3)
8. Family planning, family size, and child spacing
9. Where to live after wedding and standard of accommodation
10. Place for honeymoon
11. Form of wedding and time
12. Personal fears/phobias
13. Child bearing and rearing
14. Medical history-Blood group and genotype
15. Purpose, goal, and family customs
16. Past failures and successes
17. Likes and dislikes
18. Vows and covenants.