Three Wrong Ways You Are Communicating with Your Partner

How to improve communication and avoid unnecessary conflict in your marriage.

Mistake 1: Dismissing Your Partner’s Opinion

Dismissing your partner’s opinion because you want to emphasize your point.

It’s important to acknowledge what your partner is saying, even if you don’t agree. Simple phrases like “I understand what you are saying” or “I hear you” can de-escalate tension and make your partner feel heard.

Mistake 2: Demeaning Your Partner

Demeaning your partner because their opinion doesn’t sound correct to you.

Speaking down to your partner, with phrases like “If you had sense, you wouldn’t think this way,” attacks their self-worth. Always communicate with respect to keep the conversation productive.

Mistake 3: Focusing on Blame

Choosing to focus on blame instead of seeking a solution.

Constantly blaming your partner drags the conversation into negativity. Instead, focus on finding solutions together, making the conversation more constructive and forward-looking.

Which of these communication habits do you need to work on in your marriage?

Improving communication is about both partners feeling heard, understood, and respected. Take the step today to better your marriage.

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