Young Couples Club

What does it take for a marriage to work? The success of a marriage is not by default. It requires teamwork, intentionality, and engagement to thrive. 

You and your partner were raised in different backgrounds; different environmental interpretations of romance, intimacy, and love were modelled to you. 

Both of you have different beliefs, love languages, and expectations. Given all these factors, if you don’t actively make your marriage work by engaging in a marital vision, communication, and understanding, your marriage will likely crumble.

Let Us Go Back To The Beginning.

God created Adam and Eve not only because He wanted them to have fun and live happily ever after; He created them for His purposes. Do you remember how the scripture says: Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and every other thing will be added to you? Yeah! That’s the core.

The first thing that must happen in your life and marriage is the fulfillment of God’s plan and purposes — which comes with eternal rewards. Companionship, sexual intimacy, purpose execution, childbearing and the adventurous lifestyles in your marriage, are additions.

The biggest lie you have believed is that marriage is just to satisfy your desires. Hence, you put so much pressure on finding someone who can heal you, make you, manage you, care for you, push you, touch you and all other imaginable expectations. You place so much pressure on another mortal without asking if your actions and decisions align with God’s plan for you. The end is always filled with regrets.


Foundational issues.

Lack of compatible values.

Faulty belief systems.

Fixed mindset.

Unhealed trauma.

Unrealistic expectations.


Lack of grace towards a spouse.

Wrong influence and interference.

Wrong association and poor modeling.

Lack of alignment on important issues like parenting, finance, etc

Poor communication skills.

Personality clash

Faith and religious beliefs.

Spiritual warfare.

Traditional mindset.

Toxic philosophies

Uncontrolled passion and desires.

Not meeting your spouse’s needs and love language.

Personal ambition.


These issues do not go away by themselves. You need to identify them, learn about them, and implement your new knowledge with your spouse’s partnership.

Here are signs that your marriage needs intervention

Communication breakdown thereby living together as strangers.

Constant conflict over every little issue.

Lack of friendship, romance, and intimacy.

Feelings of discontentment and dissatisfaction.

The act of one partner withdrawing emotionally.

Too much financial, spiritual and emotional burden on one partner.

Sexless marriage.

In-laws interference.


Gas lighting, manipulation, and deceit.

Are you ready to elevate your marriage?

Join The Young Couple Club!

Our goal is to help you overcome the challenges that occur in the early years of your marriage. We also desire to help you experience bliss, oneness, and intentionality while loving, building, and parenting together.


Marriage Mindset

Identify the right mindset to keep a working marriage and thrash wrong ideologies.

Marriage Envisioning

Learn how to set a family vision, values, and goals that can impact your marriage positively.

Communication /Conflict Resolution

Rise above wrong assumptions and learn how to express your needs and feelings without fear.

Intimacy Building

Learn how to nurture your marriage and sustain a healthy emotional connection.


Discover the pathway to discovering yourself and maximizing your gifts to help the world and impact the next generation

Emotional Intelligence/Anger management

Learn how to identify and master your emotions for self-awareness and empathy.

Sex and Sexuality

Deepen your bond by exploring and uncovering your sexual needs and preferences.

Spiritual growth

Learn how to host God's presence in your home for divine wisdom, and intimacy and to overcome patterns.


Learn the tools to build healthy communication and stay emotionally whole and connected to your children

Roles, Boundaries, and Lifestyle

Learn how to thrive in your marriage through partnership, healthy habits, and setting healthy boundaries.

Dealing with In-laws

Understand the wisdom required to set boundaries and manage your in-laws with love.

Financial Intelligence

Understand how to earn, budget, save, invest appropriately, and partner with your spouse to manage your finances.


Here is what people in our marriage programs are saying

Coach Nike is a visionary coach who has impacted so many lives immensely. She has equally helped women come out of troubled or failed marriages so they can heal from past hurts and pains. She has an exemplary way of speaking that gets to the depth of your being, thereby making you take positive steps in the right direction. I have paid for her programs and personal coaching sessions; her wisdom and depth are mind-blowing. When you undergo her training, something in you shifts...That's grace at work.
Dr Kenny Akins
I stumbled on coach Nike's page on Instagram when I was at the point of leaving my 18months old marriage. I contacted her so I could have a one-on-one session with her. She told me about her program and I signed up for it. It was indeed a life-changing experience for me; she opened my eyes to see and view things in a way I never imagined. I can’t go into details on how God used her for my growth and my marriage. My marriage took a 360° turn just because I applied her teachings. I was dazed and I'm still dazed. I look at my husband now and I ask myself if I'm dreaming or married to another person. My relationship with my in-laws also got better just because I applied her teachings. I'm grateful to God for the gift of coach Nike. She is a blessing to the world.
Mrs Bisola
As her husband, I’m the luckiest man to be married to this woman. She has so much passion for growth — not just for herself but even for others. Nike has helped so many people retrace their lives back after heartbreaks, divorces and other forms of relationship or marital challenges. I see her impact in the marriage space as not just a calling but her job. I do not trivialise all that she does; her ministry is a big deal to me because she lives what she teaches. I’ve been married to this woman for five years now and I can say it anywhere that she’s a gift from God to this generation. It’s easier to see people teach, but for a teacher to practice what she teaches is the real thing. I celebrate you, my woman
Mr Folayemi
Before joining the marriage program, I had a lot of issues in my marriage, especially regarding intimacy, anger management, and purpose discovery. But in the space of three months of coaching, my eyes have been opened to the dynamics of making my marriage work. Now, I have a better knowledge of God, His love and how to war rightly. I have discovered that nagging, shouting, complaining and whining can NEVER solve any issue. Now, I know who I am (my identity) and how God sees me. All the modules in the course are power-packed. The WhatsApp group provided a support system that ensured I am not alone.
Mrs Bukola
Nike is a rare gem in the Marriage ministry. Before I met her, I had been searching both online and physically for godly and practical answers to nagging issues I was dealing with in my life. It was either I wasn’t satisfied with the responses I got or got no response at all. Ever since I met Minister Nike (which was divinely orchestrated) and joined her program, my identity, spiritual life and mindset towards my marriage have been transformed. Like that's not enough, now I enjoy the peace of God in my heart like a river — I have always thought of the experience as fiction. She has equipped me with practical godly approaches needed to take charge of my mind, marriage and other situations around me that seek to rob me of God’s purpose and victory for my life
Mrs Bola



Each module comes as a power-packed video filled with practical insights.


Every module comes with access to a workbook that can help you answer questions and evaluate your journey.


You will also learn via books and movies that leave you with a lasting impact.


If you sign up for a personal coaching session with me, then you and your partner will be able to deal with issues directly with me.


What is a kingdom marriage without access to God's Word and prayer to strengthen your home? We got you covered.


Get access to seasoned mentors and experts who will teach on topics that can help your marriage.


There will be direct access to me which helps you learn as a group.

Frequently Asked Questions

This group was specially created for couples who want to improve their marriages and couples who are ready to deal with any marital challenge they may be facing now.

It is a 12-week program.

You get to watch the replay sessions.

The topics are tailored to build your marriage. Your decision to join does not have to be based on a marital crisis; you can join to learn and thrive together.

Every week, you get access to a video that will be reviewed in the WhatsApp group. Other webinars will hold on zoom. You also have a workbook for your evaluation purposes.

Meet Nike

Nike Folagbade is a Family Life Coach and Counsellor. She teaches and empowers both single and married people with godly and practical strategies —  on how to build a blossoming kingdom relationship and marriage via NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL.

She’s a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Results Coach; an Associate of Family Systems Engineering and a Certified Emotional Intelligence and Anger management coach. Equally, she’s a SYMBIS facilitator, who helps engaged and married couples prepare for the  ‘before and after’ of their marriages.

Nike has written over seven books including ‘Get The Ring’, ‘Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages’, and THRIVE (a prayer confession and devotional, for manifesting a transformed marriage).

Nike currently writes for Business Day, Women’s Hub. She was a relationship contributor on Bella Naija, Women of Rubies and She leads Africa. Nike was listed among the 2019 Edition of the 100 Most Inspiring Young People in Nigeria. You can check out her website

She is the founder of the Love and Life Hub platform that equips singles with the right knowledge on love, dating, and purpose via

Nike is married to a creative genius Fola, who is building the next Amazon of Africa through a prominent publishing firm, WORITAL. To top it all, they have an amazing son.