


Many times we have lived our lives based on what we have experienced in the past and our environment that we forget that the choice is in our hands.

During my service period, I worked at a place on a part-time basis and I became the Personal Assistant to the boss who was also the Manager of a bank. He never had time for his business so he put me in charge for better result.

On getting to the location, one of the female staff became offensive and rude. \”Have I come to supervise them or what?\”, she whispered around.

Dealing with her was a bit difficult at first but one thing was going to determine how long it would last. I can choose to be proactive or reactive and my winning point would be:


In between the cause/stimulus and the results/behaviour/outcomes lies our Response.

I CHOSE put on a positive and smiling face and response all through, on the third day we became friends till I left.

Here is my secret, I chose not to determine my response based on her actions. I was not reactive based on my feelings but by the values in me.

My former self would have given her a negative attitude as a defence but I have learnt to be responsible for my choices/actions.

Some people act based on their experiences, environment and upbringing but we can choose to show them the right path.

Look deep down into your relationships, are things going bad because he stopped showing care or because you changed totally first?

Are you refusing to apologise for your offence out of pride?

Fix that relationship up. Stop taking decisions based on your feelings.

Your choices are your response – ability. Choose the right approach.

Give better in your organisation. Stop being the lazy staff because others are ineffective.  

Nobody can hurt us without our consent–Eleanor Roosevelt

Power Point: Have you been acting indifferently towards a person because of their wrong attitude? Show them the right path by leading by example. Don\’t be quick to fight back, you could just be their Saviour.


Choose to stay healthy and live purified.