YOU WOULDNT REALLY UNDERSTAND THIS ARTICLE IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE PART 1. Kindly check my previous post on this site to read the part1.

The Chemistry of Love
Nature has played a very cruel trick on mankind! Yes, thats right. Remember earlier on in this article, I said that there will usually come a day in your relationship when you will wake up from what seems like a deep, drug-induced sleep and ask yourself who is this person I am involved with? And what could have gotten into me? Well, little did you know the struggles in your failed relationship have not been all your fault. Mother nature actually had her hand in your relationship all along and as a result, you had very little control over the process. How do I know? Well, during the time when I was still that relationship and still doing my research into why most relationships fail and how to keep love alive forever, Mum shared her story with me, when she was growing she had the fortunate opportunity to go to work for a major pharmaceutical company that wanted her to begin selling two different products. One of the products was designed to help those men who were suffering from a sickness that caused them to have little or no sexual desire. The other product was a drug designed to help replace certain hormones in women whose bodies no longer produced enough of a very important hormone. Just so happens, this particular hormone was the same hormone that is very important in determining whether or not a woman has any or no sexual desire. Needless to say, the process for learning these two drugs required that she do some very, very intense study, training and testing in order to begin marketing these drugs.
Well to her surprise, as she was studying these two drugs for her job, she came across some even more important information that began to explain to her why people begin feeling the way they feel when two people initially fall in love. You see, what she discovered was the bodies of both men and women are biologically designed to begin producing certain hormones or chemicals when there is a physical attraction between two people and when two people begin to fall in love.
Mother Nature\’s Awesome Powers
Did you know that ever since the beginning of mankind, humans, as well as all other animals, have been biologically and genetically designed to be attracted to each other so that the species could continue to reproduce? Yes, thats right!
To mum\’s surprise what she discovered was scientists have found through extensive , well documented scientific research that when two people fall in love or if there is a physical attraction, the body naturally begins to produce certain levels of dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, nitric oxide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptides, oxytocin, testosterone in men, and estrogen in women. The result of these chemicals being produced at certain levels in both men\’s and women\’s bodies has been found to produce an LSD, or drug-induced, type high in the individuals who have fallen in love or who have a physical attraction for each other. Thus, the reason you sometimes do not know why you might have done certain things while under the influence of these powerful chemicals. The effects of these hormones in the human body actually produces a drug induced type euphoria or high. This is a well documented phenomenon. It has also been found that some people can even become addicted to these body chemicals and as a result, run from one relationship to another in search of this type of Love High.
The Science of Love and Relationships
Knowing what I know now , I better understand the reasons why the majority of people who fall in love and then start a relationship usually ends in disaster . It\’s simply because the majority of people in a relationship do not have enough of an understanding of The Science of Love and Relationships in order to survive through all of the challenges everyone who embarks into the murky waters of relationships will face. My friend, a long-term relationship with the opposite sex or even the same sex is one of the most complex arrangements two people will ever embark upon. But due to the fact that Mother Nature has played her part in this process and due to the fact that falling in love happens so easy and effortlessly, most people naturally assume that maintaining the relationship will be just as easy. Surprise! Its not! The real work actually begins when two people fall in love. It doesn\’t get easier, not at first. Initially, it gets a little harder and then it gets easier once the couple learns to work out their differences as they occur.
So you see, within a relationship you have several very powerful forces at work. Mother Nature, Science, all of the feelings of Love, as well as the the raw Dynamics of the Relationship itself. From my research, I have found the only variables in this process you can do anything about are the individual hormonal levels and the process of learning the Dynamics of Relationship Management . And anybody with desire, commitment and the unending willingness to learn can master this art and science. Yes, two people working together can learn and grow together in this wisdom. Making the knowledge they acquire a part of their everyday life. Not sometimes. Not just when it is convenient. But each and every day for the rest of your lives together. That is the Secret to Making Love Last Forever! The two individuals in the relationship must become life-long students of the Dynamics of Applied Relationship Management or what I simply like to refer to as Mating Skills.
So remember this! What you don\’t know about relationships could ruin it forever! If you are truly interested in making Love Last Forever, then you and your mate will be willing to do what is necessary to make it work. And one of the most important things the two of you can do together is to begin learning everything there is to know about the dynamics and inner workings of what works best in relationships. I am sure you have heard that knowledge is power! Well, that is all so true when it comes to keeping love alive forever. Nobody comes into the world knowing how to keep love alive and how to make a relationship work. Even though the process of falling in love seems to happen naturally without any real effort, the process of maintaining a happy, healthy love relationship will require more work than anything else you will do in life, other than raising a child.
That is how I have come to this point in my life, where I would like to spend the rest of my life sharing what I have learned about relationships over the years of researching why most relationships fail and how anyone can Make Love Last Forever! As a result, I decided to now begin helping other people solve their relationship problems by providing select educational material and other resources that I feel will help couples in need. Because one of the Most Important things I have learned is that a couple\’s willingness to educate themselves over the span of their relationship will Dramatically Improve their chances of long-term relationship success. Not to mention that I have also learned a very painful lesson from my own personal experience and my parents of watching their love life slowly slip away from them in their failed marriage. And I would not want anyone else including me to have experience that kind of pain. If you don\’t already know it, the gradual break down of a relationship can turn your life up side down.
As you now know the journey of discovery to learning everything possible in order to keep your relationship alive will be one of the most exciting and fulfilling journeys you and your mate can ever take together. Best of all, the results will be that you will be able to continue feeling the same way the two of you felt when you first met, and as a result, you will be able to Keep Love Alive Forever.
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