I remember telling a friend about how we met a little over a year ago, and that if it wasn\’t for our families we were ready to be married in December last year. He was like, \’what! One year?\’ Truthfully, that Sunday afternoon I thought I had just made another new friend. If anyone had told me we would be here today I most probably would have argued. And that\’s because right from the moment we met, you offered a totally honest kind of friendship. It didn\’t suggest to me that you wanted anything more than that. And I got so used to that friendship that I couldn\’t do without it. It was like you had said something about everything and you were constantly in my thoughts.
One of the things I loved about you was your curiosity. It made me open up to you completely in just a few minutes of meeting you. To say the least, you were innocent (like a curious child) and I felt content answering your every question. Barely 3months later, you already knew everything about me that some I had known for 3years had no clue about. And I wasn\’t the only one so vulnerable; you offered yourself like a sacrifice on the table and dared me to slaughter you.
On that vulnerability, we fell deeply in love. And every moment of my life since then has been beautiful with each new one better than the last. I feel married to you already. Yet I impatiently wait for the best day of my life.
When God told me He would give me a godly man as my husband, I didn\’t know it would be one so in love with God that loving me for him, is like the breath of life.

Sometimes ago, I was searching for love almost everywhere. Every woman I met, I saw as a potential wife but none was it. I looked through my long list of female friends, hoping one of them would be the one – the woman who will love me unconditionally. Where is my love? Who is that woman I can beat my chest and call my own? I had a long list of qualities & I kept searching.

After a fruitless search and mistakes here and there, I stopped. I decided to love God! I had barely started when a miracle happened. It was a miracle! I had never seen her before, never heard of her before but she came into my Sunday afternoon & everything changed. She was with a friend (I served under at CLF OAU), on a Sunday afternoon outside Daystar. We shook hands and got talking on our feet. We were on our feet for over one hour talking as though we had known each other for a long time. She was everything in that moment. I will never be able to forget that day in my life! It was the day Adebisi Ewaoluwa Titilope Ayanfe (soon to be MrsLegend) walked into my life and I have never been able to let go. It was the day I found love! I had always wanted a woman that could love me the way my mother wasn\’t able to and God gave me Adebisi.

#MemoirsOfAWaitingGROOM by Gabriel Olatunji-Legend. @OlatunjiLEGEND – Transformational Writer!