A director in a very big organization was asked about how he made it in life, and he attributed his success to poverty. The person asking him this question was shocked, and he decided to find out more by asking him how poverty was a main factor to him being successful in life, this prompted him to tell his story.
When he was young, his parents were very poor that even the poor called them poor. When they wanted to cause people, they would say you would be as poor as this family (his family), but his mother did not allow this to affect him.
She would always tell him that my son, “WE MAY NOT HAVE THE MONEY, BUT NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE BETTER THAN YOU UNTIL YOU GIVE THEM THAT RIGHT”. These words shook his bones, and he took the words as his motto in life.
When he finished primary school which was free education, he proposed in his heart that he was going to further his education, but there was no money. When he wrote common entrance in his state, he came out top and he was placed on a scholarship.
All through his secondary school days, he enjoyed free education. When he finished secondary school, he also proposed in his heart to further his education. Now, he had to be the best in his faculty, not just his department. He had 2 options,
1). He is the best, and he remains in school.
2). He is not the best, and he drops out of school because his parents are poor and there is no way he would be able to pay his school fees.
He proposed in his heart to be the best, and he won the scholarship all through his university days.
My fellow friends, what is your excuse for still remaining at the position and level you are now. If its poverty, then I am sure that you know that poverty is no excuse. The God that put you in the position you are today knows that you can overcome the problem, and you can make it in life (not just making it, but becoming the best in what you are doing).
Who are your friends, and are they friends that motivate you or always make you dejected. If I may ask, who are the people that surround you, are they people that always show you the good part of what you can become, or they are the people that show you your flaws and your weakness. Always be wise in your friend making decisions because your friend determines your altitude in life. A good friend would take you far in life, but a bad friend would move you down in life.
I would leave you with the words of the successful man’s mum “WE MAY NOT HAVE MONEY,BUT NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE BETTER THAN YOU UNTIL YOU GIVE THEM THAT RIGHT”.