How we met:
Whao…how do I make this look so simple and short? Writing has never been a burden,the burden is making it short.

Well, we met while on a job training in Lagos. We were meant to train for at least two weeks together. She didn\’t seem to appeal to me on day one ,I almost even greeted with a straight face. On day two, something struck in my mind since two weeks(which could actually be more) was still far away,truth be told,i took a chance. So, I started asking questions and as a sharp guy…
We got on talking, walked a distance together with her from day three..things started changing, we got so close all of a sudden (na that time I begin dey suspect myself) from \”no talking\” to \”favourite\”.

To cut the long story short sha, we got as close as we were dating o, (Chai, this young man couldn\’t resist again) but we covered it up by calling ourselves brother and sister(for me,I already knew what I wanted, but I guess she was still innocent..or maybe she was pretending). We worked together, more like best of friends…..until that day that I made my intentions known and here we are now saying Glory be to God

Ope and I met at a job training in Lagos. At the time, I already got out of a relationship which seemed like a burden, so starting a relationship just wasn\’t on my mind. Neither did I see OpeOluwa as a prospect at all. Then we became friends and soon I started to see him more like a brother. Until, Bam!, he spat it out. And here we are…………Our wedding comes up this month.

If you want to share your pre-wedding pictures and story too, you can send your story and pictures to relcapsules@gmail.com