Singles, Boo and Bae alike, #ReadRestRelaxAndReflect on these \”wise words\” before you walk down the aisle! Stay blessed!
1)Good evening, tweeps! I count it an honour and privilege to be a guest on this edition of #SinglesDate. Thanks @relcapsules for the invite
2)Am going to be sharing with the Singles in the house but uncles, aunties, friends and parents that love them are also welcome #SinglesDate
3)You might just be the one to remind them of these \”wise words\” in time of confusion and doubt b4 the D-Day #SinglesDate
4. Firstly, we need to understand that courtship comes before taking the final plunge(marriage) #SinglesDate
5)It is that period when a man and a woman gets to know each other after they have agreed to start a relationship leading to marriage #SinglesDate
6)So dear Bae & Boo, pay attention to the following wise words if indeed you plan to walk down the aisle #SinglesDate
7)Time is an asset to any relationship especially marriage. So take your time. Don\’t rush. #SinglesDate
8)A person\’s real character has a way of making an appearance overtime #SinglesDate
9)At the same time don\’t let the courtship be overlong except either of you is still in school or travelled #SinglesDate
10)It\’s an opportunity to get to know each other better via communication. Ask questions about his beliefs/background/goals etc #SinglesDate
11)Read between the lines. Seek to understand him/her. It\’s a moment of truth. Avoid every form of deception #SinglesDate
12)If there is anything in your past he/she needs to know, divulge it earlier on in the relationship #SinglesDate
13)Give him or her the benefit of doubt. Don\’t wait till the marriage date is set before dropping your bombshell #SinglesDate
14)Knowing fully well he/she might not have the nerve to call off the wedding! You have already laid a wrong foundation for your home #SinglesDate
15)Do your background check. The place of the Holy Spirit can\’t be overemphasized here. He will reveal things about your partner to you #SinglesDate
16)In getting to know each other, avoid \’knowing\’ each others\’ bodies. Sex is a no no! #SinglesDate
17)Premarital sex erodes trust, breeds suspicion and brings guilt. Avoid it by all means. #SinglesDate
18)The sexual urge is VERY strong and can defy the best of intentions so avoid being alone in secluded places for too long #SinglesDate
19)Don\’t be blinded with lust! Fornication blinds you from seeing the red flags in your relationship #SinglesDate
20)Yes, love is great but definitely not blind! Go in with your eyes wide open! Love is more than just a feeling! #SinglesDate
21)Love is a commitment; a decision! Your intended is not perfect and neither are you. #SinglesDate
22)He/she is coming with a lot of baggage into the marriage relationship, are you willing to unpack with him/her? #SinglesDate
23)Learn each others\’ Love Languages. Learn what makes he/she ticks. Don\’t overlook what you can\’t tolerate hoping to change him/her #SinglesDate
24)As a Single, it\’s essential to discover your purpose and possibly doing something in that line before getting engaged #SinglesDate
25)LRT Why? It helps both of you to know right early if you are going in the same direction in life. Can two walk together except they agree? #SinglesDate
26)Do you have your parents\’ blessing? If you don\’t, please soft pedal. Find out the bone of contention. #SinglesDate
27)Involve your pastors or elders in your family. Don\’t let it be said that you disregarded their opinion #SunglesDate
28)Look into their grievances and reservations. Allay their fears! Get their blessings! #SinglesDate
29)Sort this out anyway you can else you may be setting yourself up for untold anguish in the future @SinglesDate
30)Issues like genotypes, blood groups, salaries, where to stay etc should be discussed and a compromise reached #SinglesDate
31)For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife! Marriage is for a MAN and a WOMAN! #SinglesDate
32)Is he a \’Mummy\’s Boy\’? I once heard of a husband that had to visit his mum every evening after work to take his dinner before coming home. #SinglesDate
33)Is she a \’Daddy\’s Girl\’? She has to run everything by her Dad before she makes her decisions? #SinglesDate
34)Adam was alone in the garden of Eden but not lonely! Check yourself, are you in the relationship \’cos of loneliness? #SinglesDate
35)Deliberately cultivate friendship with your intended during courtship. Soulmates aren\’t born but made! #SinglesDate
36)Developing friendship relationship is an important factor to a long and lasting relationship in marriage #SinglesDate
37)I guess before you propose or you accepted his proposal as the case might be, you must have been convinced #SinglesDate
38)Before you walk down the aisle is the time to prove these proposed marriage convictions #SinglesDate
39)By the time you are finally getting married, having taken the aforementioned \’wise words\’ into consideration… #SinglesDate
40)…you should be sure you have made the right decision by marrying YOUR FRIEND if not your best friend! #SinglesDate
41)Investing all you can into your future marriage is no where comparable to the fuss we make getting prepared for the wedding day! #SinglesDate
42)In summary, if after all these soul searching, you are still very uneasy or you feel pressured into the courtship, please get out! #SinglesDate
43)Have you not heard? A broken courtship is preferable to a broken marriage or home! Be courageous to release your intended #SinglesDate
44)Then learn \’HOW NOT TO BREAK DOWN AFTER A BREAK-UP\’ – Read here (BLOG POST)
45)But if your relationship passed these \’litmus tests\’, go ahead trusting God to uphold you and your fiance(e). God\’s got your backs! #SinglesDate
46)Wishing you all the best in your relationships! You will not miss it! You will not miss out! Your marital destiny is secured! #SinglesDate
47)Once again, I say thank you to @relcapsules for inviting me. In the multitude of counsels, there is wisdom