TWEETS BY @IamEmekaNobis @ #SinglesDate #BenefitsOfCourtshipBeforeMarriage


@IamEmekaNobis was the first guest at #SinglesDate and I must say that the management of has no regret hosting him, by the time you finish reading his tweets you will have an idea of what am talking about.

#SinglesDate is an online based singles monthly seminar powered by team.
Below are the tweets by @iamEmekaNobis from last edition. Enjoy
It\’s time for #SinglesDate\”
1. My teaching tonight is based on a fundamental premise which I believe in : God\’s word. #SinglesDate\”
2. \”Courtship\” has been seen by many as the time beyond \”dating\” when couples have agreed to \”engage\”. #SinglesDate\”
3. In my view, that demarcation may be unnecessary; a pointless strive to be technical with definitions. #SinglesDate\”
4. Courtship commences at the point the flutters start in the belly of the heart of partners. #SinglesDate\”
5. It\’s that time partners start contemplating to co-pilot the ship of their marital destinies. #SinglesDate\”
6. When this happens, discolsures beyond the ephemeral hellos and hi\’s and hangouts start to unfold. #SinglesDate\”
7. Many have locked into the belief that there\’s a particular person \”ordained\” for one to be married to. #SinglesDate\”
8. This has led singles to huff and puff, seeking otherworldly manifestations to prove this belief. #SinglesDate\”
9. There\’s no specific spouse for a specific person. Your espousal parameters can fit a million other beings. #SinglesDate\”
10. The basis for your match is a simple Biblical question : can two walk together except they be agreed? Amos 3:3. #SinglesDate\”
11. The benefits of courtship are built around this test to prove the validity of that agreement. #SinglesDate\”
12. Courtship necessitates that partners spend time knowing each other. #SinglesDate\”
13. Courtship peels away the walls we build around ourselves at the initial phases of friendship. #SinglesDate\”
14. Traits, quirks, and certain proclivities are revealed at such time. As they say, time reveals a lot of stuff. #SinglesDate\”
15. It\’s a barometer for acceptance or not. Disclosures are partial at first and then become full, as the case may be. #SinglesDate\”
16. The reason is that your partner desires to be fully assured of your dependence, trust, and vulnerability. #SinglesDate\”
17. Certain cultures frown at having children outside wedlock. This shouldn\’t be overlooked. #SinglesDate\”
18. Courtship presents your partner with the frame to accept or reject such a disclosure from your partner. #SinglesDate\”
19. Courtship presents the implications of the couple to run full throttle with each other on such a stretch of a lifetime. #SinglesDate\”
20. Courtship can unmask certain fears. Gamophobia – the fear of marriage – can be worked on compassionately. #SinglesDate\”
21. The fear is real; a result of deep-seated resentment, divorce or disruptive upbringing. #SinglesDate\”
22. Compatibility for couples is along these fundamental lanes – sociocultural, physical and spiritual. #SinglesDate\”
23. Sociocultural differences exist due to nurture, nature and culture. Never neglect their influences. #SinglesDate\”
24. Child rearing, entertainment values, and financial mindsets vary from individual to individual. #SinglesDate\”
25. Compatibility doesn\’t mean subjugation, but an acceptance of the other, within your limits. #SinglesDate\”
26. Physical compatibility isn\’t all about sexual \’match\’ as may have been touted by many pundits, male and female alike. #SinglesDate\”
27. Sexual indulgences have a way of clouding rational assessments, leaving the partners clinging to the nirvana it brings. #SinglesDate\”
28. They find out, albeit painfully, that marriage doesn\’t revolve around sex. Ask married couples around you. #SinglesDate\”
29. Find out your genetic makeup. Rearing a child with sickle cell gene isn\’t a savoury experience. #SinglesDate\”
30. Courtship enables you to assess your partner\’s temperaments. Some folks are damp clothes while others are extroverts. #SinglesDate\”
31. You may not dwell \’peacefully\’ with an extrovert when your idea of life is to live with closed shutters in your home. #SinglesDate\”
32. Beyond the ticking of biological clocks, emotional preparedness is essential. #SinglesDate\”
33. Marriage requires tons of emotional stamina. Courtship gives you a hint of your partner\’s limits. #SinglesDate\”
34. Courtship is a time for a deep spiritual soul searching, a time of discernment. #SinglesDate\”
35. Many folks – men and women – seek spouses while wearing sugar-coated tongues. #SinglesDate\”
36. Discernment requires critical assessments – words, actions, behavioural patterns around people. Courtship avails you this. #SinglesDate\”
37. In closing, saying that courtship is a time to know your partner fully is shooting yourself in the big toe. #SinglesDate\”
38. Marital life comes with a lot of unknowns. When two souls lie together, it\’s a different world altogether. #SinglesDate\”
39. Discern, accept your frailties, make your choice and marry your spouse. #SinglesDate\”
40. Prepare for the unknown. There\’s lot to forgive. Get vials of grace ready to inject into your soul. #SinglesDate\”
41. Caveat : marriage won\’t make you happy. Understanding the dynamcis will. #SinglesDate\”
42. Your decision is the logic of your romance. #SinglesDate\”
43. Thanks to Fola @folayemiITUNU and Relationship Capsules @relcapsules family for hosting me tonight. #SinglesDate\”

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