@FolayemiITUNU is the co owner www.relationshipcapsules.com. He shared the platform @relcapsules with the guest tweetcher @iamemekanobis where they shared with audience on the topic #BenefitsOFCourtshipBeforeMarriage on twitter yesterday at August edition of #SinglesDate.
Below are his tweets. Enjoy
1.Ive got just few tweets to add to what @IamEmekaNobis has being teaching us on since the last 50mins. #SinglesDate
2.The following are the additional ways in which a good marriage is built through courtship. #SinglesDate
3.It helps individuals in relationships to know each other more #SinglesDate
4.This period is a crucial time for the couple to get to know each other better and gain insight about their partners. #SinglesDate
5.During the courtship period, men and women see the personalities, strengths, weaknesses, interests and goals of their partners. #SinglesDate
6.As a result, it also help couples assess how compatible they are with each other. #SinglesDate
7.It allows couples to decide whether they want to be committed #SinglesDate
8.When two people get to know each other, they can decide if they are compatible enough for a long term commitment. #SinglesDate
9.Courtship helps the couple to decide whether they are ready to be committed to each other #SinglesDate
10.Wanting to be committed is one thing and being ready for a commitment is another thing altogether. #SinglesDate
11.Courtship allows the couple time to determine if they are heading in the same direction or if they share the same long-term goals. #SinglesDate
12.Once the couple is committed to each other, each one has to make adjustments in his/her plans and decision- makings. #SinglesDate
13. If a couple jumps into a commitment too quickly without weighing out their wants, needs, and the responsibilities involved they will often experience conflict. #SinglesDate
14. It develops security #SinglesDate
15. During courtship, a man presents his best side and tries to gain affection from the lady. #SinglesDate
16. Courtship is one of the most special and memorable periods for both the man and the woman. #SinglesDate
17. The harder a man works during the courtship period, the more he values the woman and the marriage. #SinglesDate
18. At the same time, the woman will feel more secure in the knowledge that her man is willing to strive to prove himself to her. #SinglesDate
19. It develops understanding and acceptance #SinglesDate
20. One of the most important elements that contributes to the success of a relationship is understanding and acceptance. #SinglesDate
21. Courtship provides an opportunity for the couple to get to know each other, assess each other, resolve differences, and nurture strengths to aid in the pursuit of marriage.
22. When a couple is in a position to settle their differences, then they will learn to understand and also accept one another. #SinglesDate
23. Being able to understand and accept one another\’s differences to start with means there is less chance that they will become major issues in the future of the marriage. #SinglesDate
24. However you choose to spend your courtship period, the important thing is to invest time and effort with your partner during this time. #SinglesDate