Why Sex Is Worth Waiting For By Bayo Osinowo


This is a write up that was given to me by a friend based on what I posted yesterday, if you missed it , read here How To Have  A Relationship Without Sex

Sex is good for the right people. When a man is not licensed, whatever he does is illegal, that’s the same with SEX. When you are not married, it becomes a sin. Sex is never without consequence. Sex is always tied to some other responsibility. Sex has a great consequence. It is never free, someone always pay in one way or the other.

Pre-marital sex has a great reward for its participants but the greatest of all is HIV/AIDS. The AIDS virus is many times smaller than sperm. You can get AIDS much more quickly than you can get pregnant. Many times, sex and love are very different. Sex is a desire (appetite) while love is a decision (and commitment). Sex never causes people to love each other. If Sex eqauls love, the world would be a very lovely populated place. Love can only be expressed sexually at the right time and in the place which is in marriage. The more you know about the purpose of sex, the less likely you are to abuse it.
The best option for sex is abstinence. Sex is worth, waiting for. Abstinence is giving your body the respect it deserves, that you serve to say No to premarital sex. Remember, your body is God’s sanctuary. No touching from the neck to the knees and keep all your clothes on, zippers closed and buttons buttoned. Remember, most men who are sexually active still prefer a virgin when they want to get married.

By  Bayo Osinowo @BayoNuggets (Author of Resisting the Lure of Sin).

Choose to stay healthy and live purified.

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