Go To Him With A Grateful Heart

Why not save the tears.

Why not stop being depressed.

Why not stop worrying.

Just be grateful for once.

Before you rant about how unlucky you have been, why not thank God for the lessons learnt and the greater things He alone has done for you.

No, I am not giving any lesson or sermon talk on relationship today. Am saying, be grateful for once.

That man you liked and never approached you, do you know what intentions he would have had for you? Do you know if God actually saved you from that strange woman? Please stop mourning your singleness and be grateful for once. Lets forget about your relationship life and delve into your personal life.

When last did you really thank God for life?

Psalm 3:4-5: 4\” I cried unto the lord with my voice and he heard me out of his holy hill. 5. I laid me down and slept ,I awaked for the Lord sustained me.\”

Why not thank God for sleeping and waking up to see your beautiful family, friends or neighbours. Am sure you did not even remember to cry unto the lord but He still kept you and sustained you. That is the power of His divine love.

You should be happy someone out there is concerned about you and that is God your heavenly father.

Psalm 20:1\” The Lord hear me in the days of trouble\”. Sure he hears you, maybe you haven\’t been hearing Him too. You need to learn the power of God\’s love. It transcends from the Most high to you, his creation.

He is concerned about your life. Your family and your relationship. He ochestrated \”Union of hearts\” and surely cares about who you end up with. Why not get closer to him and allow him lead you to the right person. Yes, Yes, only Him can lead you to the right person and that is after He has finished working on you.

When you go to him with a heart of thanksgiving, He would surely meet you with blessings. I can see everything turning around for your good.

You are Blessed.