10reasons why SEX should wait till after marriage
7. Can shatter a girl’s life.
Young people who experiment with sex outside of marriage should ask themselves: “What will we do if this results in pregnancy?” They might better ask, “What will we do when this results in pregnancy?”
One who visited a home for unwed mothers said, “You can never forget that look of despair on the faces of the girls who do not know what their future holds—girls who don’t know if they will ever know real love or have a happy home.”
It is not just the “easy girls” that get pregnant, but “good girls” as well. Abortion is NOT an easy solution to the problem of an unwanted pregnancy. Killing your unborn baby can leave you with terrible feelings of guilt which can haunt you the rest of your life.
8. Can result in some BIG problems.
Sometimes a guy will say, “If you get pregnant, we can get married.”
Marriage is serious business. It means taking on a job you may not be prepared for. Marriage is not all moonlight, romance, and roses; it’s daylight, diapers, and dishes!
9. Can fool you into marrying the wrong person.
If you become involved with someone sexually before marriage, you may think that you have found real love when all you have is the thrill and excitement of sexual attraction. You go ahead and get married and then you discover that you married the wrong person. You find out too late that it was not real love but only sex that was the attraction.
10. Can wreck your marriage.
Some people think that if they just get married, everything will be fine. But this is not so. A happy and successful marriage is not easy to come by under the best of circumstances, but when you start out wrong, it is very difficult to achieve.
Sex before marriage greatly reduces your chances of a successful marriage. One reason is that those who play around with sex before marriage tend to do the same thing after marriage. They are never satisfied, always looking for a new thrill.
Sometimes couples engage in sex before marriage, then get married and seemingly get along well. But they have sown seeds of doubt and distrust which will bear bitter fruit later on.
Read the part here http://t.co/KX8TwM4caI
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