2. Many thanks to @NikeAdedokun and @folayemiITUNU, you are doing a phenomenal job I must state #SinglesDate
3. Happy birthday in advance to you, @NikeAdedokun. I salute u.Your world will celebrate you.MAY folks-we rock #SinglesDate
4. Getting straight to business…I\’ll be tweeching on #DailyRituals: key to a productive future #SinglesDate
5. Before you think we are going fetish with the word RITUAL, I think we should define it quickly #SinglesDate
6. A ritual is simply defined as a rite or a REPEATED set of actions #SinglesDate
6b. Productivity is the state of being productive, fertile or efficient #SinglesDate
7. The commonest definition for success is \’the attainment of goals\’ #SinglesDate
8a. But you see, goals can only be achieved when they are pursued with devotion #SinglesDate
8b. The same applies to productivity. You only become efficient when you are consistent #SinglesDate
8c. I have come across many secrets to productivity and #DailyRituals is probably the greatest of them #SinglesDate
8d. I gather that the Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison etc of this world had certain daily routines #SinglesDate
9. Can I say to you that productivity is not what you achieve per se but what you become over time #SinglesDate
10a. It is about BECOMING before ACHIEVING. #SinglesDate
10b. That\’s why Jesus said, except a man BE (be-ing) born again he cannot see… #SinglesDate
10c. A lot of us mistakenly focus on BECOMING than BEING. We miss the point and become selfish in our pursuit #SinglesDate
10d. We eventually become what we repeatedly do (being) #SinglesDate
10e. That\’s why the concept of \’hammering\’ must be completely removed from our vocabulary #SinglesDate
11. The key words here include: DEVOTION, CONSISTENCY and ROUTINE #SinglesDate
12a. Listen up: Productivity is not a function of luck but a product of ruthless devotion #SinglesDate
12b. Are you in search of success in any field? Then be deliberate about your daily activities #SinglesDate
12c. If u commit say an hour daily in the area of you passion, (studying, research etc) you will become an authority in less than 5yrs #SinglesDate
12d. And a genius in about 10years #SinglesDate
13. Like the great men I mentioned above, you must have a specific time when you would get up… #SinglesDate
14. … when you would start work, when you would exercise/sleep and when you will relax/have fun etc. #SinglesDate
15. You see, when you decide to begin this routine, you may be termed \’boring\’ #SinglesDate
16. However, I think it is better to be termed \’boring\’ today than be \’barren\’ in the future #SinglesDate
17. Research has shown today that a \’scattered daily schedule\’ (distractions) reduces one\’s IQ by 5 points #SinglesDate
18. So I guess you can see the more reason for focus and intense devotion #SinglesDate
19. \”We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit\”- Aristotle #SinglesDate
20. “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us” – John Dryden #SinglesDate
21. \”The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine\”- Mike Murdock #DailyRoutine
22. Let\’s look at some quick tips. Tip1: OUTSOURCE what you are not best at or what you do not have passion for #SinglesDate
23. Tip2: En-vision/Visualize your day before embarking on it. Your picture is your future-it becomes your reality #SinglesDate
24. Tip3: Have a Daily TO-DO list. Hang it on your desk, type it on your phone or put up in the most visible place #SinglesDate
25a. Tip4: Have a STOP-DOING list as well. Many times we only have a To-do list and wrongly only desire to stop doing some things #SinglesDate
25b. The same energy you put into \’TO-DO\’ should be administered into \’STOP-DOING\’ #SinglesDate
26a. Tip5: Separate at least an hour everyday to work on your calling by reading, research, volunteering, listen to tapes/podcasts etc #SinglesDate
26b. Focus on that squarely. You can\’t be/do everything #SinglesDate
26c. My mantra has been: know everything about something and something about everything #SinglesDate
27. Tip6: Take a walk daily (think stroll, tongue stroll etc). This has a way of rejuvenating your energy #SinglesDate
28a. Tip7: Have a daily, weekly and quarterly review which culminates into annual but you see, it must start DAILY #SinglesDate
28b. Ask yourself at the end of the day on how your day went. Reflect, Learn and Correct afterwards #SinglesDate
29a. Tip8: Go for retreats regularly. My suggestion: QUARTERLY #SinglesDate
29b. I mean, get off work/activities for at least 3 days to refresh. You\’ll be better for it #SinglesDate
30a. Tip9: Adopt autosuggestion-talk to yourself daily. Create your day, future and life by your words #SinglesDate
30b. Talking has a way of re-programming the mind and altering the subconscious #SinglesDate
30c. The subconscious can be positively influenced by words. Keep talking-RIGHT WORDS #SinglesDate
30d. Our consciousness has been framed by many factors from friends to family and strangers #SinglesDate
30e. Many times the seeds these folks sow are negative and dangerous #SinglesDate
30f. In fact, there are more negatives spoken to the air than the positives #SinglesDate
30g. What autosuggestion does is to re-wire this programming #SinglesDate
30h. So, speak what you desire-graced words, positive words #SinglesDate
30i. I can make it, I\’m the best there is. I\’m bold, I\’m strong, I\’m favoured, my life makes meaning #SinglesDate
30j. I\’m a change agent, I\’m a generation builder. My steps are ordered of the Lord. I have a goodly heritage #SinglesDate
31. Tip10: Pray without ceasing. Lay EVERYTHING at the feet of God. He knows, He cares, He sees #SinglesDate
32. All of these can be achieved by 4Ds: DESIRE, DETERMINATION, DEVOTION & DISCIPLINE #SinglesDate
34. I have directly/indirectly discussed the first 3 above but all of this can be further enhanced by DISCIPLINE #SinglesDate
35. Discipline entails having a CONTROLLED behaviour-self control #SinglesDate
36. It is the bridge between your dreams and reality #SinglesDate
37. Routine is boosted by Discipline #SinglesDate
38. This is it: peak productivity is a product of devotion; devotion is a function of discipline #SinglesDate
39. Thank you for you time. #SinglesDate
40. Please stay tuned and follow the hashtag: #SinglesDate as other facilitators come in
#SinglesDate is a monthly twitter hangout on twitter. It holds every second friday of the month by 6:00-8:00pm.
Follow @relcapsules , @NikeAdedokun and @folayemiITUNU .