2. Lord as we start, may this words open the eyes of many women & give them the ability to become the leader they were meant to be.#Dynamicsofleadership
3. I am Adenike Adedokun, a Relationship and Sexuality Coach, I help people build healthy relationships, emotionally balanced minds & sexually purified lives.
4. Tonight, I would be tweeting on \”Unveiling the power of a woman\”. Am glad for this because a lot of women don\’t know their identity.
5. A woman wasn\’t just born to be a mistake to the world but as a help-mate in form of a mother, leader, initiator, et al.#Dynamicsofleadership
6. Women have a lot of power within but they have been restricted to the \’KITCHEN WORLD\’, hence, no special place for them.
7. One of the controversial issues lie around the roles, purpose, position, rights and essence of a Woman.#Dynamicsofleadership
8. We are not fighting for who is greater between men & women but for women to understand their purpose & identity.#Dynamicsofleadership
9. I would love to tag a woman as a life giver and receiver. Women have a lot to give as a leader.#Dynamicsofleadership
10. Every Woman has a Womb which gives her the ability to bear children. That same womb can function in other areas.#Dynamicsofleadership
11. Not only can a woman bear forth children, she can also take in ideas and bring forth inventions, productions and great output.#Dynamicsofleadership
12. A woman has an incubative nature. She can give new life to things and situations, that\’s why she is very relevant in the society & as a leader.
13. I am a woman and I have been leading in every organization I find myself because I understood my identity and I positioned myself.
14. A lot of women have been handicapped by their past, hurt, betrayals, abuse, inferiority complex et al. It has reduced their mentality & function.
15. A woman who cannot control her emotions & her mind cannot conquer her world, hence cannot lead. You have to lead yourself first.
16. For any woman to unveil her power, she must first understand that she has a Purpose & her past cannot limit her but launch into greatness.
17. I know a lot of women have gone though various issues, but you need to brace up & become who you were created to be.#Dynamicsofleadership
18. Why is a woman a life giver? Whatever she receives, multiplies. A woman can build up her nation & can also destroy it.
19. Women were also given the dominion mandate, so why should they sit in the kitchen all day.#Dynamicsofleadership
20. A woman can be a leader. She has the capability & she can function properly but she needs to understand her identity first.
21. A lot of women have been responsible for great happenings in the world. I celebrate every woman out there. You Rock!
22. The mistake women make is they place too much emphasis on their body & feel that\’s the limit but a whole lot can be done from their hearts.
23a. Women can lead in the midst of men because they would bring balance.1/2 #Dynamicsofleadership
23b. Women have a different level of reasoning that distinguish them.2/2#Dynamicsofleadership
24. A woman leads by influence, she doesn\’t have to show her power by just giving orders but by living a life of influence.
25. A woman has a lot of power to build or destroy but it comes through influence. She can be influenced & can influence.
26. So how do you understand your identity & unveil your power as a woman? Unveil means to reveal or uncover.
27. Focus more on your inner beauty & find out where you fit in the society. Discover what your purpose is by looking inward.
28. Don\’t be idle. Get skilled in what you love most & become a better version of yourself. Look beyond what the society thinks.#Dynamicsofleadership
29. Women have the right to education. The government should lay emphasis on building up the female child so she can lead her world better.
30. You can become a Governor, president, CEO, et al in any sector or nation. You have to be confident & lead with an heart of duty & service.
31. Become a brand that would be celebrated, come out of your shell & take up the mantle of leadership.#Dynamicsofleadership
32. Am more concerned about the emotions of a woman because that is what determines how far they can function in the society.
33. In every way you are leading, don\’t be scared of intimidation. Just focus on your role & find your space.#Dynamicsofleadership
34. Build the right kinds of friendship, relationship with leaders in the society. Get a good mentor too.#Dynamicsofleadership
35. Let\’s break \”WOMAN\” Into wonderful meanings that we are meant to be as leaders.#Dynamicsofleadership
36. W- Winsome : A leader should be Charming; inspiring trust and approval; especially in an innocent manner.#Dynamicsofleadership
37. O- Outstanding: Every woman should be outstanding in their home, business & career field as a leader.#Dynamicsofleadership
38. M- Mindful: Most women are not mindful of what they do, eat, say or wear. A leader should be mindful in all manners.#Dynamicsofleadership
39. A- Accommodating: This is one lacking area in women towards their fellows. A leader should be welcoming to people & ideas.
40. N- Natural: Every woman should be natural in their endeavours. Appreciate who you are and lead by example.#Dynamicsofleadership
41. I believe with this few tweets, you would understand that you are not a liability to this world but an asset with life value.#Dynamicsofleadership
42. Thanks for reading, the retweets and contributions. I await more questions.#Dynamicsofleadership
43. Thanks to @iam_aminat for this great platform. More grace as you build up others.#Dynamicsofleadership
By Adenike Adedokun