#SinglesDate (December Edition) Online Seminar By Folayemi Itunu

Lord as I teach, let me tweet your words and let it make an impact.#Singlesdate

1. Good evening house, am going to be tweeting briefly on what i titled "SPICING UP YOUR RELATIONSHIP" #SinglesDate

2. Let me start by telling you that a successful relationship don't just happen, it takes constant work from both parties #SinglesDate

3. That you have a relationship doesn't end it all. While in the relationship, some essential ingredients are needed to make the relationship wax stronger #SinglesDate

4. First, Prayer. How often do you pray for your relationship? Sure am not talking about going to a prophet. #SinglesDate

5. Pray for the relationship, for your partner and both of your loved ones, this is supposed to be a continuous act #SinglesDate

6. I suggest that even while dating/courting, pray together. Chose a day of the week or month that will be dedicated to praying together.#SinglesDate

6b. You don't have to necessarily see physically to do this #SinglesDate

7. The second ingredient is PLAY TOGETHER #SinglesDate

8. From my discovery, many only do this in the early part of their relationship. They get so used to each other that they consciously or unconsciously forget this crucial part #SinglesDate

9. I suggest you date and marry someone you can call your friend #SinglesDate

10. Do this deliberately and intentionally all the time. Play, joke, sing, dance etc with your partner. #SinglesDate

11. Don't be too serious all the time, with work and ambitions. Live happy with your partner everyday #SinglesDate

12. Another ingredient is SURPRISES. #SinglesDate

13. Hmmm, what a sweet baby I have got. I remember when a radio station called me to greet me on behalf of my woman.#SinglesDate

14. She actually did that, contacted them to do that #SinglesDate

15. What a wow experience! You don't need to wait for his or her birthday before you give him or her a surprise #SinglesDate

16. And ladies, don't hide under the cover of men not liking surprises, maybe 20th century men anyway, but for the 21st century men, they seriously do.#SinglesDate

17. My next point is EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION #SinglesDate

18. That you have being dating/courting or even married for a while shouldn't stop you from calling and texting each other, in fact , you need it more now.#SinglesDate

19. Don't be deceived, a relationship cannot stand lack of good communication #SinglesDate

20. Learn to be a good listener. Not just by your presence and attention but in gestures, words and heart.#Singlesdate

21. Another ingredient is IMPRESSING YOUR PARTNER #SinglesDate

22. Hmmmm, YES! I just said IMPRESS….#SinglesDate

23. Dress and take care of yourself well to impress your partner all the time please I plead with you.#SinglesDate

24. This could be more important for women to do but even men, your woman want to see you look good #SinglesDate

25. Mind you, not saying you should start going half naked but meant, dressing well and still radiating Gods glory.#SinglesDate

26. Impressing your partner is not a sin. #SinglesDate

27. And please always appreciate each other, she wouldn't like to spend money on her hair only for you to see it and not commend on it.#SinglesDate

28. He will feel good if he got a new suit and you tell him how good it fits. #SinglesDate

29. Always contribute or support your partner with ideas. He/She needs it to grow and feel loved in career, business etc#Singlesdate

30. Drawing the curtain here. Thanks for following #SinglesDate

31. I await your feedback. I sign out #SinglesDate