2. Lord as we share and learn together, let your spirit move through the words and let there be healing.#Alrightspassion
3. I am Adenike Adedokun , a Relationship and Sexuality Coach. I help people build healthy relationships, live emotionally stable and sexually purified life.#Alrightspassion
4. Today, I will be sharing on the topic \”Emotional Healing\”.I pray you get healed of every hurts,pains and betrayal.#Alrightspassion
5. The emotion is a person\’s internal state of being and involuntary psychological response to an object,1/2#AlrightsPassion
6. person or situation(circumstances) tied to physical state and sensory data.2/2 #AlrightsPassion
7. The emotion is a part of the soul, which also includes the willpower and the mind and they work together for any output.#AlrightsPassion
8. Emotional healing is a journey towards overcoming every negative trauma that affects a person\’s mind and living the best life by taking charge of the mind.
9. While growing, I had series of betrayals, hurt, rejection, depression, heartbreaks et al and it got me crashing down at the slightest thought.#AlrightsPassion
10. I can see your situation, maybe you have been hurt several times in your relationship , by your parents, friend or even as a result of sexual abuse.#AlrightsPassion
11. It may sound blunt, but some experiences are needed to create a brighter future for us if we allow it become a spring board to our blessings.#AlrightsPassion
12. When you suffer from incessant break ups, it would affect your reasoning nature which means you begin to think you are not good enough.#AlrightsPassion
13. When your partner doesn\’t treat you right, you would feel sad and unhappy which can damp your mood.#AlrightPassions
14. When people speak harshly to you, torturing you with negative words, it reduces your self worth and confidence which I prefer to call \”Low self esteem\”.
15a. When you feel you are not tall,slim or fat or beautiful enough, then you could be suffering from \”Under Confidence\”.#AlrightsPassion
15b. Have you been wallowing in any sexual addiction too? You have gotten tired of trying, failing and falling?#AlrightsPassion
16. Can you relate to any of this? Yours might be mild or worse. I understand. #AlrightsPassion
17. Everywhere around the world,people suffer from emotional traumas. They end up doing different things that can threaten their lives.#AlrightsPassion
18. A lot of people continue to wallow in pain rather than investing in their healing. If only we can take bold steps to revive our hearts as much as we cry.#AlrightsPassion
19. It is not easy to let go of our hurt. And the plans of the devil is to keep us in the dark but we are children of the light and God wants us to walk in light.#AlrightsPassion
20. God says we should cast down imaginations & thoughts that weigh us down and are contrary to the word of God (2Corinthians 10:4-5).#AlrightsPassion
21. Day by day people get hurt, broken, shattered, abused by words, actions & circumstances. They live in pain and tears hoping for a brighter future.#AlrightsPassion
22. If only we can lend our hands out to someone & put a smile on their face, we would save them from committing suicides and the self-hate.#AlrightsPassion
23. God\’s plan is that we stay in good health even as our soul prospereth. Our soul needs to prosper as it includes the mind, emotions and the will power.#AlrightsPassion
24. The entrance of the soul is the mind. If you can guard your mind, it would determine what the emotions can take in.#AlrightsPassion
25. If we change the way we think, look at ourselves, talk about ourselves, it would send a positive signal to our brain about how happy we can be.#AlrightsPassion
26. When you believe in yourself and crave for happiness, all the brain produces are insulin that can make us happy.#AlrightsPassion
27. Let\’s look at positive ways to live healthy. 1. Love yourself wholly and completely:#AlrightsPassion
28. You cannot be truly happy until you experience the joy of God that overflows. You cannot love yourself until you have understood the revelation of God\’s love.
29. When you realize how much God loves you in spite of your pasts & mistakes and His forgiveness, you just need to dust your feet, take a shower & sing like a Child of God \”Oh, how much Jesus loves me\”.
30. You may have being hurt, lonely or down but God says, Relax. He sees that you are hurt and daily pets you to be strong but you ignore.#AlrightsPassion
31. Loving yourself is as a result of the reflection of God\’s love. Confidence is found in Christ being our strength.#AlrightsPassion
32. No matter how different your healing process may take or how big your problem is, don\’t exaggerate your problem but exalt your healing.
33. Forgive yourself: If you don\’t forgive yourself, you will always blame yourself for all the wrongs in the past & in the future to come.#AlrightsPassion
34. If you must let go of the pain, then you must do that with the depth of your heart. Please release your heart of the burden.#AlrightsPassion
35. Forgiveness doesn\’t mean the situation would change, it only means you have decided to overlook it.#AlrightsPassion
36. It would bring peace & joy to your minds regardless of what. You can only forgive yourself when you understand the totality of God\’s forgiveness.#AlrightsPassion
37. Avoid materials that can bring back the memory. Avoid romantic songs, novels, movies, pictures or things that triggers your mind to them.#AlrightsPassion
38. Be Deliberate: When you find yourself constantly delving in the past & memories, get up, get busy & tell yourself I refuse to remain in hurt, I am free.#AlrightsPassion
39. Look in the mirror everyday before going out and tell yourself beautiful things. Pray, smile & let the glory shine all over you.#AlrightsPassion
40. Put on the armour of light & chase your greatness. Let the pursuit of happiness be your main goal because your future depends on it.#AlrightsPassion
41. Be Yourself, it pays. Build your brand & celebrate yourself. Read books & listen to messages that can boost your morale.#AlrightsPassion
42. Day by day you would find yourself yielding to your meditations & actions so far. God loves you, this I know.#AlrightsPassion
43. Read this post: Broken but not shattered: www.relationshipcapsules.com/2014/11/broken-but-not-shattered.html?m=1
44. Don\’t forget to talk to someone about your state. There is a lot of help I sharing than keeping the secret.#AlrightsPassion
45. Thank you for staying with me. Thanks to @alrightspassion . I appreciate this much. More blessings. #AlrightsPassion