I wish I had this book to read when I was going through emotional abuse; it would have helped me heal faster. Another look at the contents of the book made me think Adenike had glanced through my unpublished autobiography where I shared how I was able to overcome betrayal and live again despite the serial mistreatment and abuse.
Wait! Does everyone have a purpose in life? How does one find purpose? Is there any relationship between finding purpose and attracting the right spouse? Are you frustrated and perplexed about not finding fulfilment or happiness in life? Cheer up, your eyes is about to be opened. Do you know that you can\’t love your partner fully and wholly if you don\’t love yourself?
Here\’s a manual that will teach you how to love you fully and then graduate to loving your spouse the way he or she deserves.
Is romance wrong? How can one avoid sin yet express how deep one feels for one\’s partner? These are what Adenike sheds light on in this great relationship companion. Are you battling with a hurting past, pornography, masturbation or addicted to illicit sex; help is here!
This book is a great treasure; it shares some of your struggles and tears and how you can overcome them. It will make you smile, frown, shout and push you out of your comfort zone. I highly recommend it not only for singles but also for young couples who are still learning to communicate well and deep with one another.
An Excerpt of the Foreword written by Mrs Grace Festus (Award Winning Relationship Blogger)
Have you gotten one? Here is a chance to.
Subscribe for :\”The Mind shift Class Network\” and get the ebook \”Relationship Guardrails For Him and Her (#1\’500) for free.
You don\’t have the ability to remain calm or even keel when faced with pressure or stress?
You are volatile, which means you react with violent or harmful behaviors when provoked?
Do you have challenges with refraining from sexual activities outside the bonds of marriage?
Do you find it difficult to guard your heart and mind by not allowing impure thoughts or attitudes take over?
Do you desire to have a healthy relationship with yourself, friends and dating partners?
Are you struggling with various addictions and shadows from the past?
If you have any of these challenges, then you need to be in this class, \’THE MIND-SHIFT NETWORK MASTERCLASS\’.
In this class, We would show you how to finally SOLVE the problem of #EmotionalInstability, issues that pose challenges sexually, to enable you have a #HealthyRelationship.
Limited slots available. Book now before it\’s too late.
Don\’t spend only on sharwama, peppersoup, make ups, beer, and material items alone, rather invest in your healing and quality life.
NOTE: If you have gotten the ebook already, you can pay a discounted price to join. Wow! Such a free gift for you to take advantage of.
Read more about the class in this beautifully designed manual. Click this